Microscopía Leica Confocal STELLARIS 5 DLS
Confocal microscopy is an advanced optical microscopy technique that uses an illumination and spot detection system to obtain high-resolution images with improved depth of focus. Unlike conventional microscopy, confocal microscopy eliminates out-of-focus light by means of a pinhole (small aperture), allowing sharp, detailed images to be generated in three dimensions. This makes it ideal for studying biological samples, tissues, cells and materials with high precision. In addition, it is commonly used in combination with fluorophores, allowing specific fluorescently labelled structures to be visualised.
List of measurements that can be performed with their operating ranges and type of samples:
- Fluorescence microscopy
- Reflection confocal microscopy
- Time-lapse microscopy with incubation (temperature, humidity, gases - normoxia or hypoxia).
- 3D reconstruction
- Ficha digital (DLS)