The H2ï Analytics business project, promoted by the HOWLab-Human OpenWare Research Lab research group of the Aragón Engineering Research Institute (I3A), with Roberto Casas Nebra, Teresa Blanco Bascuas, Manuel V. Arce Montejo, Agustín Blas García and Álvaro Marco Marco, has been chosen as the best project of the SpinUP program “Emprende con Unizar” by Santander Universities.
The award, with an amont of 2,000 euros, is sponsored by the Emprender Chair of the University of Zaragoza. The H2ï Analytics project is focused on specializing in hydrological and hydrogeological simulation tools, cloud simulation platforms and artificial intelligence. They provide a solution integrated by real-time monitoring technologies through sensory networks and their processing using advanced Internet of Things (IoT) tools for data exploitation.
The Spin-Off is made up of a multidisciplinary team of hydrogeologists, engineers and computer scientists specialized in the field of the exploitation of water resources. H2ï Analytics, with its artificial intelligence SIWA system, predicts the availability and quality of groundwater, through deep scientific knowledge based on the union of hydrogeological physical models with advanced technologies. SIWA can be implemented in different economic sectors (industry, administration, agri-food, civil), to help in strategic decisions to increase savings and competitiveness of companies and entities.
This has been the VII edition of the SpinUp Program of the University of Zaragoza that ended yesterday with an online event chaired by the Vice-Rector for Technology Transfer and Innovation, Pilar Zaragoza, in which they were the managing director of the Viamed Montecanal Hospital, Luis Gómez; the Urban Innovation planner of the Smart City Program Manager at Zaragoza City Council, Daniel Sarasa; the technical director at HMY, Carolina García, and the managing director of Maubic Consultoría Tecnológica, Sergio Nadal.
During the last 6 months, the entrepreneurs of the SpinUp Program of the University of Zaragoza have discovered and validated their business model with the Lean Launchpad methodology, an elite program recognized worldwide, where they have tested the viability of their idea, its profitability and start-up in the real market and have found all the necessary support to turn their project into a profitable company.
The SpinUP program is an initiative of the University of Zaragoza co-financed by Sasntander Bank, aimed to promote the creation of Spin-off and Start-up companies at the University of Zaragoza. Managed by its Office for the Transfer of Research Results (OTRI), it promotes the entrepreneurial spirit and the creation of companies with high innovative content, on the part of its teaching and research staff, administration and services and its students.
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