The Aragon Institute for Engineering Research (I3A) has, since its creation in 2002, a decided international vocation. Its commitment to innovative science stands out, mainly based on international collaboration.
Its different research groups work and interact with groups and institutions around the world. Its participation in European projects, in consortia and programs whose objective is the advancement of the knowledge society stands out.
The I3A was the first Research Institute created by the University of Zaragoza, in 2002. On May 14, the Government of Aragon approved Decree 169/2002 that marked the beginning of a new stage and the commitment to science from University. Thus, the research capacity of a good part of the university groups of the School of Engineering and Architecture (EINA) was grouped together with others of the Faculty of Sciences, Economics and Business and Veterinary Medicine.
Today, the I3A is one of the research benchmarks in Aragon and the first in technological research with more than 500 professionals and 34 research groups in Biomedical Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies, Processes and Recycling and Industrial Technologies.
- Promotion of quality-oriented research, from basic research to prototype design.
- Promotion of technological innovation initiatives.
- Sustained collaboration with the business fabric.
- Generation and transfer of knowledge to society.
Promotion of quality basic and oriented research and regional, national and international economic development through sustained collaboration with the business community.
Configuration of a national and international benchmark research center in its areas of work and the establishment of a focus for attracting talent and new technology-intensive companies.
- Commitment
- Collaboration
- Multidisciplinary
- Innovation
- Efficiency
- Responsabilidad
- Requirement
- Connection
The ability to bring together research in different aspects related to Engineering.
His outstanding ability to obtain funds from competitive calls.
Its privileged relationship with the productive environment.