This year, the Aragon Institute of Engineering Research (I3A) has made a commitment to foster and strengthen research in Artificial Intelligence. In this center of the University of Zaragoza, nine research groups have been developing projects based on Artificial Intelligence systems for several years, from health to the environment, agriculture, industrial processes, logistics and speech technologies.
A work carried out in multidisciplinary teams, now under the umbrella of one of the Cutting-Edge Laboratories that have been launched at the I3A. Within this framework, 10 national and international projects develop Artificial Intelligence to respond from technology to many of the problems that society faces and that can improve quality of life.
Today, artificial intelligence is present in face recognition on Mobile Devices, virtual assistants, Internet shopping and advertising, web search engines, the Internet of Things (IoT), Industrial robots or cybersecurity.
Some of the areas in which the I3A is working have to do with computer vision, air quality in cities, speech and natural language technologies, augmented intelligence, digital twins, virtual reality, linguistics and data 4.0 or cognitive systems.
Our projects in #AI
TRAFAIR. A study of traffic flows, weather conditions and air quality to reduce pollution in cities https://trafair.eu/
Data 4.0: Challenges and Solutions. The fourth revolution in data management, in addition to being "big" or "smart", requires new processing and exploitation solutions in demanding scenarios, with new applications unthinkable a few years ago in different places or environments.https://i3a.unizar.es/es/proyectos/datos-40-retos-y-soluciones
Robotics. Smart Technologies for the autonomous transport of goods indoors and outdoors. Develop technologies for the automated transport of loads in unstructured environments, which have the capacity for planning and automatic replanning of safe and robust routes. TITAM_ie
The design and development of a new kit to robotize a conventional dumper, transforming it into an autonomous mobile robot for tunnel construction. It must be able to reach the excavation face without human intervention, wait to be loaded, and finally autonomously transport the rubble out of the tunnel to the landfill. Autodump
DIMENSIVE. Neural activity log of zebrafish behavior using live data to develop large-scale generative models of behavior. Advanced statistical models will allow the creation of new data instances to generate important information about how behavior arises from the dynamic interaction of the nervous system, the body and the environment of an organism. https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/892715
DIAMOND (DIAgnosis Of Neurodegerative Diseases). Integration of bioinformatic, cognitive and computational anatomy models to improve the diagnosis of neurodegenerative diseases. http://diamond.unizar.es/
Computational Image. Trying to map the caves of the moon without having to enter them, with algorithms of looking around corners and Deep Learning to "fill in" what the model does not know.
Medical devices. Prediction of visual pathologies, as they are doing since the spin off DIVE Medical. Eye tracking technology, which provides a precise, objective and fast visual exploration, especially indicated for babies and non-cooperative patients. https://dive-medical.com/
Speech technologies. Advance, develop and improve speech and language technologies, as well as image and video technologies in the analysis of multimedia content, incorporating the possibility of extracting affective-emotional information.. AMIC
Use of speech technologies to respond to health problems that affect people's communication.. THALENTO
Simulated Reality. An intelligence augmentation system based on hybrid twins and augmented reality. It is proposed to develop systems that build causal models of the Engineering systems of interest that can provide explanation and understanding of the physical phenomena that occur.http://amb.unizar.es/projects/simulated-reality
The I3A Artificial Intelligence Cutting-Edge Laboratory conducts research at all Technology Readiness Levels (TRL), from basic research to applied developments. It covers the different ingredients for next-generation artificial intelligence, from basic machine learning to intelligence augmentation.
Further Information
European Commission +info
Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación +info