The MakeItSpecial citizen science project tries to change the lives of people with special needs, join efforts from creativity, innovation and the contribution of ideas. For this, there is nothing like putting in contact with the "maker community" and special education professionals.
MakeItSpecial is a citizen science project developed by the Computer Architecture Research Group of I3A, the Ibercivis Foundation and funding from the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) of the Ministry of Science and Innovation.
The Zaragoza Computer Architecture Group (gaZ) "coordinates by looking for meeting points and uniting the two groups, 'makers' and special education for the adaptation of materials for children with special needs", explains Enrique Torres, researcher at the I3A.
Since the SARS-Cov-2 coronavirus pandemic began, much has been said about the “maker community”, although its development is linked to the use of 3D printers, free hardware platforms or advances in home automation and Internet of Things.
It is the community of professionals and technology enthusiasts who use their knowledge and tools to create, modify or adapt existing resources and put them at the service of the citizenship, as has happened in the first months of 2020 to respond to COVID-19.
Now, the MakeItSpecial project is organizing a hackathon to “encourage collaboration between the maker community and professionals in the care and education of people with special needs”, says Enrique Torres.
The outcome of this #MakeItSpecial Hackathon will be on October 3. It is open to the participation of technical and social professional profiles, including relatives of children with disabilities and professionals and therapists from the centers or associations who have "technological or pedagogical concerns, who believe they can contribute talent and innovation and improve people's lives with special needs”, emphasises this researcher from the I3A Computer Architecture Group.
"Our objective is to provide solutions to real problems, so the projects must be achivable, collaborative, open and low-cost, because they will also be available to everyone," Enrique Torres recalls.
For further information: www.makeitspecial.es