The Third Millennium Awards once again recognise the work of I3A researchers. In its tenth edition, held yesterday at the facilities of the company FERSA, they awarded Manuel Bailera (ECO2 group), Elías Cueto (AMB) and José Manuel García Aznar (M2BE) for their projects in decarbonisation, Artificial Intelligence and cancer research.
The Third Millennium Awards are intended to give visibility to and recognise the work of individuals, research centres and groups, institutions and companies in Aragon in three main areas: dissemination, research and innovation.
The Young Talented Researcher Award went to Manuel Bailera Martín. He studied Physics at the University of Zaragoza and holds a PhD in Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency. He is dedicating his research career to the decarbonisation of industry through the use of renewable energies and does so from the Energy and CO2 (ECO2) research group of the I3A.
This award is aimed at young researchers under the age of 35 who are working in the field of science and technology, with an emerging career that stands out in a special way or has a relevant potential. The aim is to serve as a stimulus for new talents born or trained in Aragon.
For Manuel Bailera this is his second award in a few days, as last week he received the Aragón Investiga award. And if on that day his words were addressed to those who have been his thesis directors
In addition, the Third Millennium Awards in Research and the Future granted a runner-up prize to I3A researchers Elías Cueto and José Manuel García Aznar. These awards highlight and seek social recognition for research projects of special relevance in basic science, applied science or technology transfer developed in Aragon.
Elías Cueto, researcher of the AMB (Applied Mechanics and Bioengineering) group, received this award as director of the ENIA Chair, dedicated to the Inteligencia Artificial Híbrida para la Sostenibilidad, on which his research group is working.
While José Manuel García Aznar, researcher of the M2BE (Multiscale Mechanical and Biological Engineering) group, saw his work recognised within the proyecto europeo ICoMICS, focused on finding out how therapeutic immune cells detect, move and interact with cancer cells and the tumour microenvironment.
More information on the awards: https://www.heraldo.es/noticias/aragon/2024/11/25/gala-premios-tercer-milenio-2024-cajal-inteligencia-artificial-sostenibilidad-1780652.html
Fotografía de Manuel Bailera: Álvaro Sánchez (Heraldo).