
Generés group

Denomination group: S54_23R, Grupo GENERÉS

The Generés Group began its activity at the beginning of the 90’s. It is integrated by professors attached to the areas of Commercialization and Market Research and Organization of Companies. The Group takes its name from Miguel Dámaso Generés, aragonese economist, born in La Almunia de Doña Godina around 1770, and writer of the book “Reflexiones políticas y económicas sobre la población, agricultura, artes, fábricas y comercio del Reino de Aragón” (Political and economic reflections on the population, agriculture, arts, factories and commerce of the Kingdom of Aragon), published in 1793.

The members of the Group have developed an important research work that can be found in international journals such as: Strategic Management Journal, Research Policy, Enviroment and Planning A, Industrial Marketing Management, Telecommunications Policy, Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, Online Information Review, Technovation, European Journal of Innovation Management, European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Management, Journal of Product and Brand Management, Journal of Consumer Marketing, Journal of Business research, etc. and national publications such as: Investigaciones Económicas, Revista de Economía Aplicada, Revista Española de Investigación en Marketing, Cuadernos de Economía y Dirección de la Empresa, Moneda y Crédito, Información Comercial Española or Revista Europea de Dirección y Economía de la Empresa, among others.

These investigations have been presented and disseminated in the most important academic forums where professors belonging to the areas of business, such as the European Marketing Academy, the European Association for Resarch in Industrial Economics, the International Association for Research in Economic Phycology, the Academy of Management, or at the national level the Meetings of University Marketing Professors, or the National Congresses of ACEDE and AEDEM.

Throughout all these years, the members of the team have enjoyed uninterrupted funding from public calls for proposals. Thus, the Group is currently developing three triennial projects granted by the Ministry of Science and Technology. This research has been regularly combined with projects carried out for private entities.

The rest of the scientific activity of the team is reflected in the curriculums of its members and is summarised in research stays, presence on editorial committees, journal publishing, grants obtained and awards.


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Completed projects (since 2020)

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