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This project aims at developing new analytical methodologies for providing elemental and isotopic information from microsamples, which can be obtained in a minimally invasive way (e.g., dried matrix spots, DMSs), as well as from microentities (such as cells, nanoparticles, and micro/nanoplastics), in order to achieve entity-resolved information.
The methods developed should be simple and selective, requiring none or else minimal sample preparation (without digestions), since such methods avoid species interconversion, minimize risks of losses or contamination, and provide better limits of detection while ensuring a high sample throughput.
The hypothesis of the project is that atomic spectrometry techniques have experienced recent and significant improvements (e.g., faster acquisition capabilities, more potential to cope with spectral overlaps and capacities for new couplings, such as LA-ICP-MS/LIBS in tandem) that, together with recent advances in the production of DMSs of a constant and known volume, make it feasible to take microsampling in the biomedical field to the next level.
Thus, in this project, the most powerful trace elemental techniques (ICP-MS/MS, LA-ICP-MS/LIBS, and HR CS GFAAS) will be deployed, using state-of-the-art instrumentation, so it becomes therefore feasible to attain the specific goals pursued.
Key applications of interest in the biomedical field have been selected and will be investigated. The main focus of the project, however, will consist in building new approaches with a solid theoretical foundation that permit the acquisition of as much information as possible from minimal sample amounts, while enabling proper quantification.
The project will be developed around three different objectives: i) development of novel analytical strategies based on new instrumental configurations and couplings for the direct elemental and isotopic analysis of biomedical microsamples; ii) development of novel analytical strategies for minimally invasive analysis; and iii) development of methods based on time and/or spatially resolved information for the individual analysis of micro/nano entities.
Grant PID2021-122455NB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by “ERDF A way of making Europe”.