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The aim of 3GSol is to develop a cost-competitive solution for the simultaneous generation of electricity, heating and cooling with solar energy. This solution is based on the integration of solar hybrid PVT collectors with cooling technologies.
During the project, a pilot plant will be built to undertake experimental tests under real operating conditions in order to optimise the performance of the solar trigeneration system and promote its use within the food-processing industry.
The specific objectives of the project are:
- to design a solar trigeneration system based on hybrid PVT collectors;
- to reduce the costs of hybrid PVT collectors, in terms of €/kWh generated;
- to optimised the ratio electrical/thermal generation;
- to optimise the integration of hybrid PVT collectors with cooling technologies;
- and to cover up to 40% of the energy demands of a food-processing industry with solar energy.
3GSol is a collaborative project between the Fluid Dynamical Technologies Group and EndeF Engineering with a total budget of 602,923€.
3GSol is funded under the Retos-Colaboración 2017 Programme, National R&D and Innovation Plan, by the Spanish Government, Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities and cofunded by the EU, through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) [grant number RTC-2017-6026-3].