The aim of ARQUE is the development of technology solutions for household induction cooking hobs that would provide the appliance with a greater autonomy for its management of energy efficiency, and would improve the cooking experience by its user.
As a part of this project, the Fluid Dynamical Technologies Group is developing models for the prediction of fluid flow and heat transfer in liquids that are heated and boiled in induction hobs, and studying the impact of the several intervening heat fluxes in the energy efficiency of the heating process.
The project includes the implementation of the methodology in reduced order computational models that can be embedded in the appliance electronics, thus enabling the modelling in real time of the cooking process as a function of initial and boundary conditions for the problem.

ARQUE, RTC‐2017‐5965‐6, is a project in the Retos Colaboración 2017 call, funded by FEDER/Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades – Agencia Estatal de Investigación (Spain)