A low carbon economy is a key issue for a sustainable territorial development and for EU objectives. In the Mediterranean area, the challenge is to develop solutions adapted to various regional contexts from densely urbanised areas with dense transport networks to remote areas and islands with more limited access to energy resources.
PrioritEE Plus aims to enhance the policy making and strategic planning competences of local and regional public authorities in the energy management of public buildings in three Mediterranean countries: Italy, Portugal, Spain. PrioritEE Plus will prioritize energy efficiency measures in public buildings and will create a decision support tool for regional and local public authorities.
The main benefits that arise from PrioritEE Plus for the local/regional partners involved is their increased capacity to implement energy efficiency measures in public buildings, to manage and monitor their energy consumption as well as to support the implementation of local action plans to reduce energy consumption of municipal public buildings.

PrioritEE Plus está financiado por el Programa de Cooperación Europea transnacional para el área del Mediterráneo, el Programa Interreg MED 2014-2020 [Ref: 7578 | 9MED20_2.1_M3_001]