Proyectos clave de investigación

El I3A gestiona entre 200 y 300 proyectos internacionales, nacionales, regionales y locales cada año. Investigación básica y aplicada, así como la gestión de fondos tanto públicos como privados.

A continuación mostramos algunos proyectos considerados como clave debido a su relevancia y al reflejo que hacen de la calidad del Instituto y de sus investigadores:

Extracting the Human Motor Null Space from Muscles - A new framework to measure human neural activity

ECHOES will capitalize on recent breakthroughs in decoding the spinal outputs to muscles to develop a theoretical and experimental framework to unveil the 'motor null space' in human muscles.
Horizonte Europa , ERC

multI-discipliNary, multi-Sectoral and multi-national trainIng network on Digital biomarkErs for supraventricular arrHythmia charactErizAtion and Risk assessmenT

Establishing a multi-disciplinary network to tackle the design and the early-phase validation of digital biomarkers, specifically targeting the diagnosis of supraventricular arrhythmias (SVAs) and their associated potential for adverse risk assessment, via the joint combination of signal processing, artificial intelligence and non-clinical devices.
Horizonte Europa , MSCA


METASTRA will propose new guidelines for the stratification and management of metastatic patients. METASTRA approach is expected to cut the uncertain diagnoses from the current 60% down to 20% of cases. This will reduce patient suffering, and allow cutting expenditure by 2.4B€/year.
Horizonte Europa

Resilient Solutions for Coastal, Urban, Estuarine and Riverine Environments

The Doctoral Network (DN) “RESCUER“ will focus on the training of young researchers (Fellows) in the general area of coastal oceanography, hydraulic and coastal engineering, applied mathematics, and scientific computation.
Horizonte Europa , MSCA

Refabricación robotizada de productos industriales deformables

Este proyecto buscará introducir el proceso de REMANUFACTURA como parte del modelo de negocio asociado a las industrias, poniendo de relieve la importancia del diseño para el desarrollo de productos que sean más fácilmente reparados y/o reciclados.

Design-based Data-Driven Decision-support Tools: Producing Improved Cancer Outcomes Through User-Centred Research

The EU funded 4D PICTURE project will continue the development of the Metro Mapping methodology to redesign care paths, including novel DSTs. Innovative algorithms and AI-based models incorporating patient experiences and preferences will facilitate treatment decision-making.The objective is to develop data driven DSTs for patients with breast cancer, prostate cancer and melanoma. The novel DSTs will be evaluated to ensure their ability to address medical, social and ethical issues.
Horizonte Europa


The rapid advancement of AI technologies has led the EU to decide on hosting a research environment focused on scientific and ethical excellence, which grows with the cooperation of members from within the EU and the assistance of academia and industry. The EU-funded AI4EUROPE project, in collaboration with AI4EU and other related projects, aims to develop this space by introducing an unbiased, open and cooperative platform from and for the European research community for excellent studies of AI. This platform will provide services ranging from data access, services and tools to cooperation with other researchers. The project will also enable a business model for guaranteeing its continued operation.
Horizonte Europa

Real-Time Mapping from Endoscopic Video

Mapping of regions of importance is fundamental to interact with the environment, from satellite maps of glaciers to functional maps for GPS navigators. Autonomous vehicles also work by matching visual data to an existing map which needs to be constantly updated and extended. Now,
EndoMapper is developing a similar mapping system to support endoscopic procedures like colonoscopy, tumour biopsy, or even targeted drug delivery. To accomplish their world-first, the team must tackle the challenge of modelling non-rigidity. Unlike roads and byways, the body's
tissues and organs are prone to change as the endoscope moves. Taking advantage of new non-rigid mathematical models and machine learning, endoscopy may soon enter the realm of augmented virtual reality and autonomous navigation.

Individual and Collective Migration of Immune Cellular Systems

El objetivo de ICoMICS es desarrollar una novedosa plataforma de simulación virtual para investigar cómo las células inmunitarias terapéuticas (TIC) detectan, se mueven e interactúan con las células cancerosas y con el microambiente tumoral.
ERC , H2020

Next-gEnerATion dAta Management to foster suitable Behaviors and the resilience of cItizens against modErN ChallEnges

Abordamos problemas de gestión de datos para ayudar a los ciudadanos a enfrentar los desafíos modernos

Oxy-Kraft recovery boiler - Towards novel integrated green energy parks

The objective of the project is to enable the operation of Kraft recovery boilers in oxy-fuel mode.
Horizonte Europa , CET

Predictive Rendering In Manufacture and Engineering

The goal of this ETN is to have the participants develop skills and protocols needed for industrial usage of Predictive Rendering (PR) technologies – image synthesis which delivers results that can be relied on to be visually accurate.
prime logo

Physical Cognition for Intelligent Control and Safe Human-Robot Interaction

La digitalización de la industria depende del éxito de la integración de los trabajadores con los robots. También resulta importante utilizar robots capaces de ejecutar operaciones seguras con tiempos y costes mínimos de preparación de los robots y aumentar la flexibilidad de la configuración de los talleres. En el proyecto Sestosenso, financiado con fondos europeos, se desarrollará una nueva tecnología de detección, desde el soporte físico hasta los niveles de percepción cognitiva y control, para las próximas generaciones de robots colaborativos. La tecnología se basa en sensores táctiles y de proximidad integrados en el cuerpo del robot a fin de proporcionar una percepción táctil unificada del entorno, controlando así las acciones e interacciones del robot de forma segura y autónoma. El equipo de Sestosenso realizará tres demostraciones industriales en los ámbitos de la automovilística, la logística y la agricultura.
Horizonte Europa

VAScularised Tumour Organoids on a chip with human placenta vessels as a preclinical model for anticancer therapies

VASTO Proof of Concept aims to develop and test an innovative microfluidic-based platform, which allows to evaluate the efficacy of different cell immunotherapy strategies against solid tumours.
Horizonte Europa , ERC

Historial de proyectos clave de investigación

Título Subtítulo Año finalización Ordenar ascendente
TRIGENSOL Síntesis y optimización de sistemas de trigeneración neutros en carbono basados en energía solar térmica y biomasa con apoyo de almacenamiento térmico
ZEROENERGYMOD Zero Energy Habitable Mobile Modules in Europe
Smart Insoles Ecosystem (SIE)
Physiology-driven signal analysis for guiding cardiac arrhythmia management and therapy
MOORE4MEDICAL Accelerating Innovation in Microfabricated Medical Devices
PRIME Advanced and versatile PRInting platform for the next generation of active Microfluidic dEvices
CHAMELEON Intuitive editing of visual appearance from real-world datasets
PRIMAGE PRedictive In-silico Multiscale Analytics to support cancer personalized diaGnosis and prognosis, Empowered by imaging biomarkers
Seguridad alimentaria de materiales de envase ecológicos y nuevas soluciones de envase activo
Modelado y Simulación para la Ingeniería de Sistemas Discretos Complejos: Una Aproximación Basada en la Simulación Distribuida de Redes de Petri en Cloud
MODELAGE Is your heart aging well? A systems biology approach to characterize cardiac aging from the cell to the body surface
CISTEM "Heart On chip" basado en tecnología de células madre pluripotentes inducidas para medicina personalizada
POSITION-II Pilot-line for System in Tip Integration
CURABONE Predictive models and simulations in bone regeneration: a multiscale patient-specific approach
TRAFAIR Understanding Traffic Flows to Improve Air Quality
INSILICO-CELL Predictive modelling and simulation in mechano-chemo-biology: a computer multi-approach