The BRAV3 project, funded by the European Commission, combines cell therapy and bioengineering to design a biological device capable of giving the heart a second chance
The Aragon Institute of Engineering Research promotes its activity with the creation of laboratories in virtual reality, circular economy, appliance technologies, photonics, artificial intelligence, industry 4.0 and personalized medicine
During six months, 10 students will be part of the Aragón Institute of Engineering Research, tutored by a researcher, within their Master's Final Project
Researchers from the I3A, at the University of Zaragoza, have been working for a year on a project that will provide transparency and automate the current system
Promoted by the HowLab research group of the I3A, it predicts the availability and quality of groundwater, through scientific knowledge based on the union of hydrogeological physical models with advanced technologies
The objective has been to solve the “sticky client” problem: a wifi device remains connected to a router, missing the opportunity to connect to a closer one, which would provide a better coverage
Investigadora del I3A, en el Grupo de Ciencias de la Computación para el Modelado de Sistemas Complejos (COS2MOS), se pone ahora al frente de la Asociación Científica Computability in Europe
El investigador del I3A Jorge Júlvez forma parte de un proyecto de investigación en el que tratan de identificar vulnerabilidades de este coronavirus para facilitar el desarrollo de fármacos
Manuel Doblaré es investigador I3A, acaba de ser nombrado presidente del Patronato de la Fundación IMDEA Materiales: “No podemos competir con otros centros europeos en países de mayor tradición y presupuesto en investigación”
La revista Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry publica los resultados del grupo de investigación MARTE, coordinado por el profesor Martín Resano. El método permite la preparación de muestras por parte de cada persona y su análisis en el laboratorio