The Group of Power Electronics and Microelectronics (GEPM) is one of the research groups of the Aragón Institute of Engineering Research (I3A) that has been registered as Quality Research Group (Grupo de Investigación de Referencia) by the Regional Government of Aragón (Gobierno de Aragón).
The research of the group is mainly focused on three key interrelated technologies:
- High-efficiency power electronic converters.
- Digital systems and microelectronics.
- Electromagnetic modeling and compatibility.
These technologies are used by a wide range of industrial, domestic, communications and biomedical applications. The group's preferential attention is focused on the efficient power conversion, and is specifically directed towards three lines of applied research:
- LINE 1: Electronic systems for induction heating applications.
- LINE 2: Electronic systems for biomedical electrosurgical applications.
- LINE 3: Electronic systems for electrical energy processing applications.
The members of the GEPM are involved in teaching undergraduate, master and doctorates at the School of Engineering and Architecture (EINA). They also participate in multiple activities including scientific conferences and seminars. The GEPM is involved in research projects of public and private funding, coordinated with companies, other research groups and national and international networks.
Our staff includes 6 full professors, 10 associate professors, 4 assistant professors or senior researchers, around 10 PhD students and a number of MSc students.
Microelectronic control architectures for smart power electronic converters based on wide-gap semiconductors