
Photonics: a key enabling technology for an interdisciplinary world

imgen fibra óptica

The photonics lab focuses on the research and development of photonics, understood in a broad sense, for transfer to any sector. Our goal is to work with the emission, propagation and detection of light and use it to solve complex problems.

Research lines

  • Transient-state light transport simulation
  • Computational imaging 
  • Non-line-of-sight scene reconstruction
  • Computer Vision and Machine Learning
  • Development and application of optical diagnostic techniques in mechanics
  • Holographic optical elements
  • Active optical fibers and optical guides
  • Optical fibers and communications
  • Multilayer optical coatings
  • Industrial optical and electroelectronic sensors, systems and instruments


Valorization of PIC technologies for use in access optical communications systems


Towards next-generation, high-bandwidth 6G fronthauls

Ministerio asuntos economicos y transf digital

European Non-Line-of-Sight Optical Imaging

ENLIGHTEN will seek to develop next-generation electro-optical (EO) sensing devices for operational effectiveness.

Physical Cognition for Intelligent Control and Safe Human-Robot Interaction

The project will develop a new sensing technology from the hardware and up to the cognitive perception and control levels for the next generations of collaborative robots.
Horizonte Europa

Bayesian deep learning for dynamic interactions applied to visual assistive devices
